Withered Lotuses and Drooping Willows Speak of Our Times《殘荷垂柳語春秋》 for pipa and orchestra (2018) 8' Three Songs in Hong Kong Odyssey《世紀・香港》的三首歌曲 for soprano, bariton, SSATTB soli, Chinese Music Ensemble and Orchestra (2017) total 18' Prelude to the Quick Collages Sketches of Rain《雨的速描拼貼前奏曲》 for symphonic band (2016) 4' Nocturne for Symphonic Winds 《夜》 (2013) 7' Canvas 《畫布》 for large orchestra (2012) 10' Palpitation - Montage for Large Orchestra in 100 Seconds 《悸動》 (2011) 100" Carnival 《嘉年華》 for symphonic band (2009) 4' Spring Flowers, Autumn Leaves, Summer Rain, Winter Snow 《春花秋葉、夏雨冬雪》 for orchestra and boys choir (2008) 7'30"
Vocal, Choral
The Spring of Hope 《春望》for SATB and piano (2018) 5' The Drifting City in Billows 《浪裏浮城》 in Hong Kong Odyssey for baritone, Chinese music ensemble and orchestra (2017) 7' Under the Stars the Slumbering Dragon 《星下沉龍》 in Hong Kong Odyssey for soprano, SSA soli and orchestra (2017) 7' Through the Ladder Street 《穿樓梯街》 in Hong Kong Odyssey for SSATTB soli, children's choir and orchestra (2017) 4' Flying Dreams 《夢想飛航》 for speech choir (2016) 3' On the White Stork Tower 《登鸛雀樓》for SATB and piano (2014) 3'30" Nostalgia in Four Rhymes 《鄉愁四韻》 for SATB and piano (2013) 5'40" Nostalgia in Four Rhymes 《鄉愁四韻》 for soprano/tenor and piano (2013) 5'40" To Actuate 《啟動》 for speech choir (2010) 5' A Recitation on Vegetables and Fruits 《蔬果誦》for speech choir (2010) 3'30" I’m a Goldfish in a Globe 《我是魚缸裏的小金魚》 for UMS n’ JIP (tenor and recorder) (2010) 2' Dews on Bamboo Leaves 《竹露》 for SSAATTBB a capella (2010) 4'30"
Large Chamber
Lueur d'une chandelle sur paravent au paysage 《銀燭秋光冷畫屏》 for sheng and 7 musicians (2018) 16' Yearning . Sober Anguish 《魂牽夢縈》 for 12 musicians (2012) 4' The Reminiscence of Foliage Silhouette for 10 musicians (2012) 8' The Dirge of Remnant Florets 《殘花恨韻》 for 9 musicians (2010) 5' Cerulean Spectrum 《蔚藍光譜》for string octet (2009) 7' Opus 18b for 18 musicians (2007) 7'
Autumn Breeze through Thousand Miles《清風萬里秋》for guzheng and harp (2023/24) 9' Wanderlust《很想去旅行》for percussion duet (2021) 9' Snow at Night《夜雪》for violin and piano (2020) / also version for viola and piano (2010) 5' Unspeakable Voice 《言不由衷》for violin and viola (2018) 4' Creative Musicking for String Quartet 《弦樂四重奏的創意律動》(2015) 5' Better Half 《另一半》 for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2014) 9'~12' Everlasting is the Moon 《攸然是玉京》 for violin and viola (2014) 10' Deliquenscence for percussion trio (2013) 10' A Mirror of Clouds 《雲鏡》 for 4 violins and piano (2012) 6' Half Glass of Water 《半杯水》 for wind quintet (2011) 6'30" A Lagoon of Clouds 《雲泊》 for flute, clarinet, violin, viola and piano (2011) 6' In the Labyrinth of Stained Glass Mosaic 《碎彩迷圖》 for Bang On A Can All-Stars (clarinet, cello, double bass, electric guitar, piano, percussion) (2011) 6' Arid Branches Resound 《枯丫嘯鳴》 for flute, oboe, horn, viola, cello and piano (2010) 4'30" Celadon 《青瓷》 for clarinet, guzheng and vibraphone (2009) 4' Percussion Quartet 《敲擊樂四重奏》 (2009) 11' Paper . Jolt and Gu . Zheng 《紙 · 驚》與《鼓·箏》 for female voice, Chinese drum daigu and guzheng (2008) 10' Sognando 《如夢》 for flute, violin, viola, piano, organ and percussion (2007) 18'30" Meditation for violin, recorder and piano (2007) 3'30"
As if Two Bundles of Reed《如兩束蘆》via processed tracks of piano recordings (2023) 22' Cypresses Triptych《漢柏三匝・樸・源・蒼》for solo piano (2022) 18' Pyrus Flower in Rain 《夜雷細雨打梨花,靜聽微風響叮鈴》for solo piano (2010) 7' Fantasy and Celebration for solo organ (2010) 8' Scar 《痕》 for solo double bass (2010) 11' Thousand Piano 《千琴》 for piano and MAX/MSP (2008) 6'
A Little Match That Sparkles for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, double bass and piano (2014) 30" Lamma Winds 《南丫風》 for bass clarinet, double bass and piano (2013) 81" Quiet Carriage / Susurrus 《靜音車箱》/《唧唧咕咕》 for bass clarinet, cello and piano (2012) 1' Palpitation - Montage for Large Orchestra in 100 Seconds 《悸動》 (2011) 100" I’m a Goldfish in a Globe 《我是魚缸裏的小金魚》 for tenor/counter-tenor or voice, and recorder (2010) 2'
Miniature Contemporary Music Compositions "Between Monumentalize and Miniaturization: Thinking Big and Small in Contemporary Culture", Centre of Culture and Development, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK, June 2015
The Transcendental Perception of the Piano Concerto (First Movement) by György Ligeti "György Ligeti and the Future of Maverick Modernity”, 10th soundSCAPE Festival and Conference, Maccagno, Italy, July 2014
Pyrus Flower in Rain 《夜雷細雨打梨花,靜聽微風響叮鈴》 Resonating Colours 5 CD Published in Hong Kong, 2019, by Hong Kong Composers Guild Ltd. Produced by Navona Records/PARMA Recorded by Lee Kar Tai Phoebus Available on Spotify, iTunes
On the White Stark Tower《登觀雀樓》 詩樂共融 - 唐詩新曲原創合唱系列 CD Published in Hong Kong, 2016, by The Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, EdUHK (HKIEd) Supported by The Education University of Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Institute of Education) Produced by HUGO Productions (HK) Ltd. LPCD1630-7343 Recorded by the EduHK (HKIEd) Choir conducted by Paulina Wong
Nostalgia in Four Rhymes《鄉愁四韻》 詩人的繆思 - 余光中詩作聲樂專輯 CD Published in Hong Kong, 2014, by Rhapso Arts Ltd., supported by Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office, Taiwan Produced by HUGO Productions (HK) Ltd. HK2530-2 Recorded by David Guah and Julie Kuok
A Lagoon of Clouds Resonating Colours: Chamber Works CD Published in Hong Kong, 2013, by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Ltd., supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council Score Publication: ISBN 978-988-97672-6-6 With CD recorded by the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
Dew on Bamboo Leaves Dissemination of Hong Kong New Music: Score Publication Project CD Published in Hong Kong, 2011, by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Ltd., supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council Score Publication: ISBN 978-988-97672-4-2
Public Lectures and Seminars, Masterclasses and Workshops
Young Composers Workshop Hong Kong Art Festival Young Friends Programme: Composition workshop for young composers Dec 2020 - Apr 2021
Lecture-Masterclass Invited composer-artist by Ensemble Télémaque October 2018 at Le conservatoire national à rayonnement régional de Marseille
About Design of Sound-work and the Ways of Evaluation Seminar Workshop October 2017 at Education Bureau
Speech Choir Showcase Workshop; as well as commissioned composer and competition Jury Dec 2015 - May 2016 at Hong Kong Education Bureau
Creative Musicking Project Lecture Demonstrations, concert performances Mar - Jul 2015 at HKIEd and City Hall, HK
How Much Do We know About Hong Kong's Contemporary Music (1) Collage of Time and Space: Traditional Form and Quotation in Contemporary Music (2) Depth of Musical Field: Encountering Cantonese Operatic Singing and Western Symphonic Orchestra (3) Showcase of Tuned and Innovative Percussion Sounds in a Neo-tonal Setting (4) A Musical Journey of Buddhist Enlightenment Jan - Feb 2015 at Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum Presented by InTuition Creative Learning Ltd., supported by HKADC and LCSD
Chinese Choral Music Seminars June 2011 at Education Bureau Co-organized by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild and Hong Kong Education Bureau
Speech Choir Showcase Seminars; as well as commissioned composer and competition Jury Oct 2010 - May 2011 Co-organized by InTuition Creative Learning Ltd. and Hong Kong Education Bureau